12 Aug 2018

Perspective - A Critical Questioning Exercise

Dear People of the Internet...

When was the last time you considered a perspective so different from one you've held that you've been moved to reconsider the stance from which you have found comfortable, and even taken a step towards seeing things in a different way?

Please read through both examples for this reflection exercise...

What if your perspective was that tree trunks look like this....

Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland - Rotorua, NZ
Image by @JenApgar 
Likely you would 'see' more tree trunks like this, they'd feel comfortable to you, and they'd more closely match what you have seen in illustrations of trees in most of your day-to-day tree trunk perspectives.

And then someone showed you this tree trunk.... saying that from their perspective tree trunks look very different, and that has been true from their perspective for close to 1500 years. 

King Billy Track - Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, AU
Image by @JenApgar
What would your reaction be? 

  • Is it one of disbelief, dislike, offence?
  • Is it one of curiosity, intrigue, a want to know more?
🤔What does your reaction say about your current state of mind? (How might stress/anxiety be impacting your reaction?)

🤔What does your reaction say about your 'Intellectual Humility'?

Which of these would you include in your next step....

  • find evidence that supports your perspective?
  • demand significant research (from credible sources you trust) that support this 'new' perspective?
  • listen to and seek out more people with these different perspectives?  
  • consider that your perspective may be biased? and that the bias may results from where you feel your perspective aligns with past, current and future popular or protected views? 

Starting from the other perspective....

For example, what if in your experience tree trunks look like this....

Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, AU
Images by @JenApgar
Likely you would 'see' more tree trunks like this, they'd feel comfortable to you...

However these tree trunk don't match what you have seen in illustrations of trees... except for people who have the same lived experience/perspective as you do... and even then they are hard to find and not the majority.

And then you were shown this tree trunk on the internet with a bold statement like this...

"This is what Tree Trunks look like! What they have ALWAYS looked like and what they SHOULD always look like!  If they don't look like this there is something wrong with them and they aren't really trees.  Researchers and scientists have known this for years, and I'm sick of people who try and use other pictures of 'tree trunks' to push their agenda."

Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland - Rotorua, NZ
Image by @JenApgar 
What would your reaction be? 

  • Is it one of disbelief, dislike, offence?
  • Is it one of curiosity, intrigue, a want to know more?
🤔What does your reaction say about your current state of mind? (How might stress/anxiety be impacting your reaction?)

🤔What does your reaction say about your 'Intellectual Humility'?

What is your next step....

  • Share current research (from credible sources you trust) that support this your perspective?

  • Consider both personal and social short and long-term impacts and consequences to responding or not responding to this post? (trolling, abuse, support, social change)

The internet, and social media specifically have a lot of potential for positive and negative experiences and impact as it relates to the human world. 

How open one is to considering 'different viewpoints' is influenced by interaction in and with media types that lend themselves to anonymity and impulsive posts, shares, comments.

Thinking is critical. It takes time and reflection. If the media is the message, take the time to make sure you reflect and consider your perspective, bias and intention before you post. Don't let your immediate brain chemical reaction be your only fuel, it burns fast and might be more dangerous than you realize.

9 Jan 2018

Rethinktion: Making up words my way #OneWordONT #oneword2018

Sometimes too much thinking takes time away from the doing.

But sometimes the thinking is the doing.

But if we don't share it outside of our head, does it...

get lost? 

lose value?

Is it harder to think about another time another way if we want or need to go back to it?

I have not blogged consistently for many reasons (none of them particularly deep or interesting) and this may not become consistent because of this one time, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I have been inspired to write this, so I have a link to the #ecoochat tonight about #OneWordONT

I fake participated in this one year (I wrote more than one word and didn't follow through past that), but this year I did some more pondering.

Here is my process....

Words that resonate me when I think about:

  • the lens through which I see my practice
  • guiding my work
  • reflecting on my professional learning

Reflection - have a great visual for this one...

and then I googled some words...

noun: reflection
  1. 1.
    the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.

    "the reflection of light"
    synonyms:sending back, throwing back, casting back
    "the reflection of light"

Hmmm.... not a good start...

a thing bringing
discredit to someone or something
"it was a sad reflection on society that because of his affliction he was picked on"

synonyms:sluraspersion, imputation, reproachshamecriticism
"a sad reflection on society"

That might be worse!

serious thought or consideration.

"he doesn't get much time for reflection"
thought, thinking, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, pondering, meditation, musing, rumination;
formal cogitation
"after some reflection, he turned it down"
  • an idea about something, especially one that is written down or expressed.

    "reflections on human destiny and art"

These look better... where do they take me?

noun: rumination; plural noun: ruminations
  1. 1.
    a deep or considered thought about something.

    "philosophical ruminations about life and humanity"
    • the action or process of thinking deeply about something.
      modifier noun: rumination

      "this film stuck out, demanding attention and rumination"
  2. 2.
    the action of chewing the cud.

    "cows slow down their rumination"

I like these ones! Though in psychology circles the connotation isn't favourable.

Rumination: The danger of dwelling
noun: cogitation; plural noun: cogitations
  1. the action of thinking deeply about something; contemplation.

    "sorry, did I interrupt your cogitation?

I like it, but I don't want to do this alone.... 

What about Co-Cogitation?

But I also want to have it action....


But I also want it to repeat...


Found it! Or more accurately hacked it together via a Re-Co-Cogitaction process.

Here is my visual...